Career Success

What To Do When You Don’t Love Your Job

You may be in a situation where you just can’t make a change with your career. There are seasons in our lives and this may not be the right season for you to overhaul your career.

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This can happen for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you are dealing with a health issue, your finances are in crisis mode, or you’ve had a major life change like having a baby or a death in the family.

For some reason you just don’t think it would be wise to make a change right now. So you feel stuck in a job you don’t love.

What now?

If you’re absolutely convinced it would make your life worse to leave your current job there is one thing you can do.

Decide to love the opportunity.*

You may not love making that call, creating that report, or serving that customer but you can love the opportunity of what doing those things might lead to later.

You may say, but I’m in a dead end job at a retail store. How can I love that opportunity?

You don’t have to love your retail job, but if it’s the beginning of gaining marketable skills and learning new ways to provide quality customer service then you can approach it in a different way.

You can decide to be grateful for the opportunity and you’re going to do the job so well you won’t be doing it long.

Question: What has helped you persevere during difficult times in your career?

*This blog post has been inspired and borrowed in some parts from Jim Rohn.


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