Book Review Career Success

An Interview With Andy Traub, Author of Early To Rise

Andy Traub wrote a book entitled Early To Rise.

It’s a book about, wait for it, how to get up early.

Now, you may be thinking, “You lost me at get up early.”

I was the same way.

I thought I would never be a “morning person.”

But here’s the thing, you can be whatever you want to be.

It starts with deciding what you want to be.

Amazingly, Andy made over $20,000 in the first 90 days after publishing his book.

It’s a book that has a simple message but has a profound result if you commit to it.

In the interview we cover:

  • Why Andy wrote the book.
  • The impact getting up early has had on him.
  • Why he go up in the middle of the interview and ran out of the room (seriously)

This book has changed my life.

I never thought I would be getting up at 5am.

Now I do it regularly and I’m asking myself, “what else can I do in my life that I never thought was possible?”

That’s the impact this book will have on you.

You can get more information about Andy Traub at, Twitter, and Facebook.

Check out the Early To Rise site to get more information about the book and to buy the book.


Question: What could getting up early make possible for you?

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